Is astrology real
Is astrology real

is astrology real

Sachin Tendulkar is a great batsman in the sport of cricket but he can not guarantee that he will make more than 100 runs in each and every match he plays. some students may secure more than 90% marks but some other may fail to secure more than 35% marks. Similarly any teacher who is teaching a class of 50 students can not guarantee that each & every student of his/her will be able to secure more than 80% marks in some examination. Similarly some advocate may be winning 8 out of 10 cases he fights but some other may be winning only 5 out of 10 cases. Like some physician may be more successful some other physician may be less successful. People involved in same sort of profession have different success rates. But it doesn't mean that the Lawyer will stop practicing. Similarly if we take into consideration the field of Law then any Lawyer can not necessarily win all of the cases he fights or if he fights a case for himself than he may not necessarily win. But it doesn't mean that the doctor will stop practicing medicine. Also some times a patient dies due to the sheer negligence of a doctor. A heart surgeon can himself become a heart patient & may not necessarily treat himself. Also a doctor can himself fall ill due to some particular disease.

is astrology real

Different patients have different views regarding some particular doctor based upon their experiences. If hundred patients visit some particular doctor then that doctor can not treat all of his patients. Sometimes when a patient goes to a physician to get cured some specific illness then it has been observed that nothing comes out of the medical tests conducted on the patient or nothing comes out of the diagnosis of the patient with latest machines, whereas the patient is crying in pain due to his illness. Also if a patient with some specific illness goes to different doctors for consultation then generally views of different doctors is different as well as their treatments are also different even if all the doctors are practicing same system of Medicine either: - Allopathy, Ayurveda, Homoeopathy, Unani or Sidhdha. In all of the above mentioned parts Practice of Medicine does not fulfills the parameters of Science because no doctor can give written guarantee or money back guarantee that he can treat any of his patients with a specific illness. Practice of Medicine does not fulfills the parameters of Science In short it deals with the legal aspects of medicine.


It deals with the legal responsibilities of the physician with particular reference to those arising from the physician-patient relationship, such as medical negligence cases, consent rights and duties of doctors, serious professional misconduct, medical ethics etc. It deals with the application of medical knowledge to aid in the administration of justice or it deals with the medical aspects of law for example in the cases of injuries, hanging, sexual offences, infant deaths & poisoning etc. In which affected organs in the body are removed, replaced or brought into right condition by operative procedures.

is astrology real

The study of the social, economic, environmental, cultural, psychological & genetic factors. In which some ways are discussed to take measures in advance to prevent the onset of diseases like polio, typhoid, tetanus, measles. In which it is discussed how various diseases would be cured.

is astrology real

In which the functioning of various organs is discussed. In which the structure of various body organs like heart, brain, kidneys, liver, lungs, pancreas etc. Medicine is broadly divided into following parts:. Some people call Medicine as Medical Science with out thinking whether it fulfills the parameters of Science or not. Calculation Part of Indian Vedic Astrology is absolutely Science as it is based upon Astronomical Calculations & before discussing whether Predictive Part of Indian Vedic Astrology is Science let us discuss first whether Medicine is Science or not. Astrology can be broadly divided into two parts: - Calculation part & Predictive part.

Is astrology real